Sunday 28 April 2013

Love And Other Drugs.

Film: Love And Other Drugs.
Director: Edward Zwick.

A surprising film which I loved! Though it was pretty awkward to watch it with my mother and grandmother in the room!!

I adored Anne Hathaway as Maggie, I think she played the role perfectly. There were times as the audience where I felt horribly awkward for her which was exactly what I was supposed to feel!

Jake Gyllenhaal as Jamie was wonderful, he played the ladies man role beautifully until he finally became the man Maggie wanted but was afraid to ask for.

My first favourite part was when he waited in the car for her to come back from Canada and the relationship began and my second was when he made the bus pull over so he could tell her how much he loved her.

Overall, I'd give Love And Other Drugs: 9/10.

Pretty awesome however awkward with your mother!


Film: Oblivion.
Director: Joseph Kosinski.

I wasn't sure about this film I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Cruise but hey!

The film was okay, I loved the whole futuristic thing and all the scientific gadgets they have!
I definitely loved the twisting plot line with Jack and Julia.

However, there were some parts of the film which were very predictable which was irritating yet totally predicted!

Overall, I'd give Oblivion: 5/10

It was alright but I'm not sure I would see it again!

Saturday 20 April 2013

Pitch Perfect.

Film: Pitch Perfect.
Director: Jason Moore.

I love films like this!

I wanted to see it in the cinema but never got round to it due to one thing or another and I'm annoyed I didn't! Such a good film, I love Anna Kendrick!

I think Kendrick is very similar to Kristen Stewart, in a good way though, haha!

I loved this movie and the rag tag group of girls that ended up singing together, I especially loved the way they all came out of their shells in the end to become winners!

The relationship between Beca and Jesse is awesome and I would have loved to see the pair of them sing together; I definitely loved the part where Beca sang the Breakfast Club song ending and Jesse put his fist up in the air.

Overall, I'd give Pitch Perfect: 9/10

Feel good, with some awesome dancing!

Identitiy Thief.

Film: Identity Thief.
Director: Seth Gordon.

Daaaaaamn, I love Melissa McCarthy! I loved her in Bridesmaids and I loved her in this! She suited the female Sandy perfectly, I'm pretty sure the role was made for her.

The film has the hilariously funny bits along with the heartwrenchingly sad parts which made me tear up, then the next second you're laughing again.

The pairing of Melissa and Jason was brilliant, they were funny together and I loved the ending! I agree with Melissa..Dawn Budgie is a fucking awful name!!

Overall, I'd give Identity Thief: 9/10

So good!