Sunday 26 May 2013


Film: ParaNorman.
Director: Sam Fell & Chris Butler.

I meant to see this in the cinema but never managed it!

It was Burtonesque but without his particular flair but overly pretty enjoyable.

It was brain numbing (hahahaha, I'm hilarious.) but a good film! I loved Neil he reminded me of Rupert Grint's character in ThunderPants!

My favourite scene was when Mitch, Courtney and Neil where in the car and Neil says "You're the oldest!" and Mitch responds with "Not mentally!!". Definitely cracked me up. And when Neil bites his tongue!

Overall, I'd give ParaNorman: 8/10.

Alright though I don't think I'll see it again in a hurry.

The Hangover Part III

Film: The Hangover Part III
Director: Todd Phillips.

I saw the first Hangover and had zero desire to see the second and I didn't much want to see the third either.

All in all it was nowhere near as funny as the first and didn't make much sense (I'm not sure if it is due to missing the second one or if it just didn't make sense!). I think the only part which actually made me laugh was the clip at the very end with the "boobies" and that is because I'm immature, haha.

I think the boobies scene was my favourite or the scenes with Melissa McCarthy because she is hilariously funny!

Overall, I'd give The Hangover Part III: 7/10.

Nothing special and not really worth the money!

Sunday 19 May 2013

I Am Slave.

Film: I Am Slave.
Director: Gabriel Range.

An unexpected film that popped up in the trailers before Welcome To The Rileys. It is a fantastic, hard hitting film.

The contrast between Malia's life with her father, Bah, and her life in London and the Sudan as a slave is shown constantly throughout the film, showing snippets of her life before she was taken and of the beginning of her imprisonment. Her father still looks for her years after she was taken in the hopes of seeing and finding her.

My favourite scene was the final few minutes of the film where Malia gets help from her "brother" and she escapes. The short conversation between Malia and her "master" in London tugs at the heartstrings and although we feel some sympathy for the lady of the house its nowhere near as strong as the wish for Malia to escape.
When she manages to get into contact with her father over the phone the single word spoken is "Daddy?" which is utterly heart-breaking and you can't help but well up.

Overall, I'd give I Am Slave: 10/10.

I would recommend it to everyone.

Star Trek Into Darkness.

Film: Star Trek Into Darkness.
Director: J.J. Abrams.

This is so not my type of film, but my boyfriend wanted to see it so I agreed and it turned out to be pretty good! Benedict Cumberbatch was an awesome baddie and very believable with some fantastic ninja moves.

I've not seen the first one of the remakes or the originals either, but I enjoyed this film. The whole Sci-fi genre is usually something I avoid due to there being SO many terribly made films but this is not one of them!

My favourite scene was when Kirk and the crew were battling the Klingons on Kronos (I *think* that's the way to spell it...) and Khan pops up and beats them all thoroughly and kills a squadron of Klingons before surrendering to Kirk.

Overall, I'd give Star Trek Into Darkness: 8/10.

Pretty good though I don't know if I'd see it again.

Saturday 11 May 2013

The Impossible.

Film: The Impossible.
Director: Juan Antonio Bayona.

Oh. My. Wow. If you haven't seen this film DO IT NOW!

It's so good! I'm actually kind of glad I didn't see it in the cinema though because I cried like twelve times, haha.

Man, I really really enjoyed it and I can't help but feel wonder and awe and total amazement that this family who was torn apart so viciously like countless others managed to keep looking for one another despite all the hardship in Thailand.

My favourite scene was when Maria was going under aesthetic for the second time and we see how we got her injuries and how she fights through to come to the surface.

Overall, I'd give The Impossible: 10/10. Without any hesitation!

I love it.

Monday 6 May 2013

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Film: Journey To The Center Of The Earth
Director: Eric Brevig.

I thought this film was of the same ilk as Race To Witch Mountain...the film with The Rock which was terrible and I was pleasently surprised to find it wasn't!

Definitely enjoyed it and the whole story, it intrigued me. The graphics weren't always great but overall it wasn't horrendous and the acting wasn't cringeworthy either.

My favourite scene was when Josh Hutcherson was calling dibs on the mountain guide and he and Brendan Fraser were arguing in the cave and said mountain guide gets irritated. Made me giggle!

Overall, I'd give Journey To The Center Of The Earth: 7/10

I'd probably watch it again, it doesn't require too much brain power!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Iron Man 3.

Film: Iron Man 3.
Director: Shane Black.

Well, this is awesome. I recommend everyone goes and sees it and waits allllll the way through the credits for the little snippet scene at the end and the final four words which flash on the screen, totally worth it.

Goddamn I love Robert Downey Jr, he's funny, quick witted and I *love* his love for Pepper in this film!!

My absolute favourite scene was after the first explosion and he sends the suit to Pepper instead of protecting himself.

Second favourite scene was when Harley goes back into his little shed and Stark has decked it all out for him, totally a good guy thing to do for all the times he was a bit of a jerk.

Overall, I'd give Iron Man 3: 10/10

GO AND SEE IT! That is all.

The Hobbit.

Film: The Hobbit.
Director: Peter Jackson.

Not my usual film but I did enjoy it.

Honestly, the most memorable thing about was very long...

I loved the action and the drama but the beginning bored me a little. I loved the scene with the dragon and the dwarves though because who doesn't like dragons?!

My favourite scene was when Bilbo stood up to the white orc to protect Thorin it was cool and I loved how Bilbo became a hero to them!

Overall, I'd give The Hobbit: 8/10.

Good but I don't know if I'd see it again in a hurry.