Saturday 27 July 2013

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away

Film: Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
Director: Andrew Adamson.

Holy. Wow.

This is 120% worth watching. There is absolutely nothing bad about this at all!

The movement and the stunts are all fantastically well done and everything about it screams perfection.

I would definitely watch it again!

My favourite scene was when Mia finally meets up with The Aerialist and the dance they do is astounding.

Overall, I would give Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away: 10/10 with no hesitation.

World War Z

Film: World War Z.
Director: Marc Forster.

This was an interesting film. It was like Resident Evil meets Brad Pitt.

I quite enjoyed it even though it scared the crap out of me a few times!

My favourite scene was when Pitt was in Israel and seemed safe until the zombies came over the wall.

I think the whole thing was awesome, it was very clever and it amused me. It is definitely worth a watch!

Overall, I'd give World War Z: 8/10.

I enjoyed it but I probably won't see it again!

Saturday 13 July 2013

The Next Three Days.

Film: The Next Three Days.
Director: Paul Haggis.

This has been on my list for such a long time and I totally forgot about it! Thank you, iTunes!

A really enjoyable film which goes to show exactly what the average joe can do when under pressure and at the end of their tether.

I loved the casting and I think that the way it was done was fantastic. The film itself had an easy to follow and yet super clever storyline.

My favourite scene was the final one when John takes the picture of Lara and Luke.

Overall, I'd give The Next Three Days: 8/10.

Very enjoyable :)

Shutter Island

Film: Shutter Island.
Director: Martin Scorsese.

Well, that was unexpected!!

I really enjoyed this film which surprised me. As did the mega plot twist at the end which I really wasn't expecting.

My favourite scene was when Teddy meets Rachel in the cave and things start to click into place for him for a while before he pops back up in the main buildings.

I really love how this film was put together and looking back now I know the ending you can see why certain things happened as they did and it all makes sense! I'll definitely have to watch it again and make more sense out of the rest of the films and see if there are any clues I missed out on.

Overall, I'd give Shutter Island: 9/10.

Very good film!!

The Faculty

Film: The Faculty.
Director: Robert Rodriguez.

A really odd film that popped up on telly not long ago. I saw the adverts and thought, eh why not!

I didn't really like the graphicness at the beginning but I enjoyed the rest of the film I thought it was very cleverly done and it was a very good film!

My favourite scene was when the students were all taking the caffeine shot thing to test they weren't aliens and it makes them trippy until Marybeth does a runner.

Overall, I'd give The Faculty: 8/10.

Thursday 11 July 2013

The Adventures of Tintin.

Film: The Adventures of Tintin.
Director: Steven Spielberg.

I have to say I was quite disappointed by this film. I expected it to be like the books and instead I found it fairly difficult to keep interested.

It flowed quite quickly but the beginning seem to drag along a lot and it all seemed to be just very...flat.

I loved the scene with Haddock, Tintin and Snowy chasing the bird, it was very cleverly done.

Overall, I'd give The Adventures Of Tintin: 7/10.

Eh, not overly enthralled by it.


Film: Looper.
Director: Rian Johnson.

I was given some really mixed  reviews about this film, some people really loved it and other said don't waste your time. But I'm actually really glad I saw it because I enjoyed it quite a lot!

I loved the way we could see Joe when he turned into Old Joe and then we had a "new" Joe who he had to deal with.

The film was very cleverly put together and I loved the T mutation. I wish we could have seen more about the Rainman instead of just a brief mention so we knew more about what Old Joe was trying to do.

My favourite scene was when Cid was having a meltdown at the end of the film and Sara calmed him down and Joe sacrificed himself to save him and Sara.

Overall, I'd give Looper: 8/10.

Very good film and I have it on DVD!

Now You See Me

Film: Now You See Me
Director: Louis Leterrier.

I've wanted to see this since the very first time I saw the trailer and I wasn't at all disappointed. A very very cleverly put together film with so many twists and turns with the plot it was brilliant.

I loved the Four Horsemen but I wish we'd see a little more of Jack as he seemed a little in the background throughout the film.

My favourite scene was the beginning with the little tricks they all did before being united.

My other favourite scene was at the very end when we find out who orchestrated everything!

Overall, I'd give Now You See Me: 10/10.

Definitely will be buying it on DVD!

The Bourne Legacy

Film: The Bourne Legacy.
Director: Tony Gilroy.

I really loved this film despite hearing a mix of reviews on it.

I like Renner as the new Matt Damon and it does sort of link in with the other Bourne films and it left it open for more Bourne's.

There were a lot of action scenes but that didn't detract from the storyline at all and there was plenty of plot.

Favourite scene was probably the motorbike action scene, totally awesome and really really well put together!

Overall, I'd give The Bourne Legacy: 9/10.

Really good, can't wait to see if there are more.


Film: Unknown.
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra.

Another film I wanted to see and never really got round to catching.

It was cleverly done but not really something I enjoyed.

It seemed to be Liam Neeson's version of the Bourne films which wasn't what I wanted it to be.

My favourite scene was probably the fight at the end in the hotel when January Jones gets exploded and the 2nd Dr Harris gets beaten up.

Overall, I'd give Unknown: 6/10.



Film: Limitless.
Director: Neil Burger.

I wanted to see this film when it first came out but like so many I completely forgot about it but managed to catch it recently.

It was very science-y..I think you definitely need to be in the right mood to watch it because it can be quite long and difficult to keep focused on.

I loved the scene towards the end with Robert De Niro when Bradley Cooper beats him at his own game when he tries to blackmail him.

The entire film was very cleverly done and I loved the way it all linked together and you didn't see the links until they was super obvious and in your face.

Overall, I'd give Limitless: 7/10.

I'll see it again but I need to be in the right mood!

The Wild Thornberry's Movie.

Film: The Wild Thornberry's Movie.
Director: Cathy Malkasian & Jeff McGrath.

I thought I'd seen this when I was younger but alas!

A brilliant film! Even at 21 I loved it and I loved the memories it invoked from watching the programme when I was younger.

I adore Eliza and Darwin's relationship and it was sad when Eliza lost her ability to speak to animals and couldn't talk to Darwin anymore :( But when she got her powers back it was brilliant!

I loved the entire film and my favourite scene was when Eliza turned the elephants around and the poachers were dealt with!

Overall, I'd give The Wild Thornberry's Movie: 8/10.

Awesome memories!

Man Of Steel

Film: Man Of Steel.
Director: Zack Snyder.

I'm not the biggest Superman fan but I really liked the look of the trailer for this film and I wasn't at all disappointed when I saw it!

I loved the futuristic style of the beginning with General Zod and Jor-El and the whole disagreement between them.

I enjoyed watching Clark grow up and loved the scene where he saved the bus and then went back down to save the boy and nobody believed the boy when he said what Clark had done.

My favourite scene was when Clark was "arrested" and freaks out the people behind the mirror and breaks the handcuffs with zero effort.

Overall, I'd give Man Of Steel: 9/10.

Definitely worth a watch and I'll definitely see it again!