Sunday 18 November 2012


Film: Snatch
Director: Guy Ritchie.

Oh, I love this film so much. It's like Fight Club meets crazy Irish pikeys and deranged jewel thieves. Awesome.

Best scene is definitely when Gorgeous George ends up in a bare knuckle fight with Mickey and he chucks him around a bit before Mickey smacks him once and totally knocks him out leaving Tommy to fend off the rest of the Irish gypsies.

I love the different stories and how all the characters meet and link together, it's very cleverly done and it works!

Mickey is without a doubt my favourite character; the very heavy accent where you spend most of the time going 'what?!'  And the love he has for his Ma and how he gets his own back on Brick Top nearly taking out Turkish and Tommy at the same time then totally disappearing!

Overall, I would give Snatch: 7/10.
I'll watch it again without a doubt but I have to be in the mood, it's a bit long but I do enjoy it!

Saturday 17 November 2012


Film: Gone
Director: Heitor Dhalia.

Amanda Seyfried is without a doubt one of my favourite actors; however her character of Jill in this film isn't the best. We got bits and pieces if a sort of vague backstory throughout the film but just never really got to know her or about her, except the whole abduction thing. I loved the flashback style scenes that flickered through the the film. I really think they showed us a lot of what happened and we know that Jill totally believes it happened and we believe it happened but the police don't.

I especially loved the part at the end where when they are questioning her about the guy she had gone to meet and the gun etc and she gives them the same answer they have her: 'there was no guy, it was all in my head' and they totally grasp the irony of it all.

Overall I would give Gone: 8/10.
It's a good film, worth watching I've already seen it a couple of times and I'll probably watch it again but it's nothing to write home about.

Monday 12 November 2012

Cast Away

Film: Cast Away
Director: Robert Zemeckis

So, I was informed by my boyfriend that my film knowledge was severely lacking and I had to watch Cast Away. So, I did!
It was brilliant! I loved it and I can't believe I never watched it before!

I absolutely adored the connection between Chuck and Wilson, especially when he kicks him out of the cave and nearly loses him. And his total relief when he finds him again by the rock.
When we see Chuck to begin with his is totally ruled by his possessions and his work but when he comes back from the Island the change in him is astounding. He focuses on Kelly and how much he owes her for helping keep him alive on the Island.
I love how he collected the FedEx boxes in the beginning and stored them in two separate piles and then how he gives in and opens all but one which he later returns and leaves a note saying how it saved his life.

Best scene was when he loses Wilson and has to choose between his life and his raft and Wilson. I cried when he was calling for him and he was behind him and I kept saying "Turn around! Turn around!". Without a doubt the best scene.

Overall, I'd give Cast Away: 10/10!
Fantastic film, I would definitely watch it again and thank you to Dave for educating me!