Saturday 17 November 2012


Film: Gone
Director: Heitor Dhalia.

Amanda Seyfried is without a doubt one of my favourite actors; however her character of Jill in this film isn't the best. We got bits and pieces if a sort of vague backstory throughout the film but just never really got to know her or about her, except the whole abduction thing. I loved the flashback style scenes that flickered through the the film. I really think they showed us a lot of what happened and we know that Jill totally believes it happened and we believe it happened but the police don't.

I especially loved the part at the end where when they are questioning her about the guy she had gone to meet and the gun etc and she gives them the same answer they have her: 'there was no guy, it was all in my head' and they totally grasp the irony of it all.

Overall I would give Gone: 8/10.
It's a good film, worth watching I've already seen it a couple of times and I'll probably watch it again but it's nothing to write home about.

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