Friday 29 March 2013

The Host.

Film: The Host.
Director: Andrew Niccol.

I've been waiting for this film for over a year. I'm not even kidding. They released a short trailer just after The Hunger Games had come out in the cinema.

I reread the book before going to see the film so it was all fresh in my noodle!

I'll be honest, books into films are never as good as you dream they will be. Compared to the book you will always be disappointed and The Host was no different. There were big chunks missed out and big sections changed, but that's understandable! I still enjoyed the film even if I was slightly annoyed by the changes and the deleted bits but I still loved it.

I was very happy with the way they did Melanie's voice in Wanda's head it was better than I thought it was going to be!

My favourite scene was when Jamie and Wanda were sitting in the cave with the glow worms and he said about being quiet and then clapped and it all went dark.

I did enjoy the film but I almost wish I hadn't reread the book just beforehand!

Overall, I'd give The Host: 8/10.

Not what I'd expected and hoped it would be, but I still liked it.

The Croods.

Film: The Croods.
Director: Chris Sanders & Kirk De Micco.

Holy crap. From the very first trailer I saw of this at Wreck-It Ralph I wanted to see it! It was every bit as awesome as I had hoped and more!

It's not just a kids film by any means it has some humour in it which adults are more likely to get but aren't rude or in anyway in appropriate for young ears!

The family consists of Grug (the father), Ugga (mother), Gran (gran..funnily enough!), Thunk (the pretty dim brother), Sandy (the animalistic little sister) and finally Eep (the rebel!). Not forgetting of course Guy (the guide) and Belt (...his belt).

Guy and Eep's relationship makes me laugh she is a totally overprotective girlfriend, add in some caveman strength and you have an interesting lady! Grug, like most fathers, dislikes the relationship and takes great measure to ensure they are separated at all times.

My favourite scene was one of the final scenes in the cave with the giant sabre toothed cat when Grug has fire and waves it in his face and the cat just blows it out...seconds later they're both blowing it back into life after hearing a noise and the cat pins him to the wall purring!

Overall, I'd give The Croods: 10/10.

Totally fantastic, I loved it!

Sunday 24 March 2013


Film: Red.
Director: Robert Schwentke.

I meant to see this when it came out and totally forgot about it!

I quite enjoyed the film, I liked the fact there was an actual storyline in amongst the actiony scenes which I feel has been missing in a couple of these types of films lately.

I loved the character Sarah, she started off terrified and ended up awesome and totally loving the high of all the action.

My favourite scene was probably the very last scene in Moldova, John Malkovich is hilarious!

Overall, I'd give Red: 8/10.

Amusing and funny!

Saturday 23 March 2013

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.

Film: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.
Director: Don Scardino.

I love Jim Carrey with a passion...but I hated this film so very much.

I thought it was going to be funny with some cool magic tricks and a really awesome story line. Erm, nope, nope and nope.

I found the story very hard to get interested in, it felt like it was aimed at pre-teen children rather than adults. The characters were lifeless and I was bored.

My favourite scene was probably when Carrey's character shot a fireball at a guy in the audience.

Overall, I'd give The Incredible Burt Wonderstone: 4/10.

I won't see it again and I definitely won't be recommending it!

Safe Haven.

Film: Safe Haven.
Director: Lasse Hallström.

I saw the theatrical trailer for this and thought it looked good and by the time I got to the cinema I couldn't remember what it was supposed to be about! Despite my memory fail, I really enjoyed the film!

I loved the whole flashback and cross cutting scenes of Katie's past and seeing Tierney appearing in her past and present, it was very cleverly done.

I especially loved the scene when Katie is staying with Alex and his son, Josh, says he likes Katie which starts a change in his relationship with Alex.

There are two plot twists in the film and both are substantial and I'm not saying what they are but the final scene has to be my favourite!

Overall, I'd give Safe Haven: 9/10.

Very good, I will be acquiring it on DVD!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Hansel and Gretel.

Film: Hansel and Gretel.
Director: Tommy Wirkola.

I was half and half over whether I wanted to see this and surprisingly enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of Snow White and the Huntsman..very action-y with not a lot of dialogue. But it worked and I enjoyed it.

I'm not Gemma Arterton's biggest fan, but I think that's because of the tragedy that was Clash of the Titans; this was an amusing film with some fairly believable ninja moves and some totally awesome weapons which made me think of Priest!

My favourite scene would be the big scene on the Sabbath with everyone dying and the witches being cheesewired, haha.

Favourite character would be either Gretel or Edward! Edward was amusing!

Overall, I'd give Hansel and Gretel: 8/10

Definitely worth a watch, not sure if I'll buy it on DVD though!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Made in Dagenham.

Film: Made in Dagenham.
Director: Nigel Cole.

Not the sort of film that I would usually watch but it totally drew my attention and I enjoyed it much to my own surprise!

The whole equal rights movement is something that has never really interested me but it was fascinating to learn about it and how it came from the average working girl and ended up changing the way we live today.
I never understood the whole political side of issues when I studied History in school but this subject enthralled me and I loved the character Rita!

I have two favourite scenes! First, was when Eddie is telling Rita that he doesn't drink, gamble or raise a hand to her or the kids and that basically she should be grateful. Rita responds it should be a right not a privilege to be looked after by her husband/boyfriend.
Secondly, is when Eddie follows Rita to where she is speaking and apologises and says he listened to what she said and he agrees and supports her.
It seems very..fantastical but it is a true story and I'm glad there are people out there who can admit when they are wrong and make changes!

Overall, I'd give Made in Dagenham: 8/10.

A good film, I enjoyed it but definitely one you have to be in the right mood to watch!

Oz the Great and Powerful.

Film: Oz the Great and Powerful.
Director: Sam Raimi.

Before seeing this, I had only seen one short trailer for it and wasn't really that interested in seeing the film but my boyfriend wanted to go and so I agreed...and I'm so glad I did! It was a surprisingly good, very interesting film!
I loved all the little snippets and hints to The Wizard of Oz that were throughout the movie it was a real throwback!

I really enjoyed the storyline and all the characters that appeared especially Finley the monkey!

My favourite character was probably Mila Kunis' character Theodora..though I really struggled to not think of Meg Griffin all the way through!

My favourite scene was when Oz, Finley and the China Girl are going to steal the wand from Glinda and Finley makes a surprising noise!

Overall, I'd give Oz the Great and Powerful: 9/10.

A very interesting film which made me think of Pandora, the world in Avatar.

Monday 4 March 2013

Django Unchained.

Film: Django Unchained.
Director: Quentin Tarantino.

Oh, Tarantino. I adored this film! It was everything I didn't expect it to be. I thought I was going to be horribly uncomfortable throughout but it was absolutely fantastic! Utterly hilarious and the story was brilliant.

I loved the insight into the past and how people treated black people with such disrespect apart from Dr Schultz (Chrisopher Waltz). The relationship between Django and Schultz grows quickly with Django being allowed to pick his characters costume (which was fantastic!)

I don't remember being in a cinema where the entire audience laughed multiple times in unison!

Of course, with the nature of the film there are some parts which are serious and disturbing because they would really have happened to people in the past and that wasn't okay. The film definitely draws awareness to how slavery really was for a lot of people.

My favourite scene was the final scene in the Big House in Candie Land when Django goes all awesome and Samuel L. Jackson's character says "motherfucker!" which made me laugh and the shooting to the lady who flies through the doorway.

Overall, I'd give Django Unchained: 10/10.

Utterly amazing film, I definitely recommend it!