Monday 4 March 2013

Django Unchained.

Film: Django Unchained.
Director: Quentin Tarantino.

Oh, Tarantino. I adored this film! It was everything I didn't expect it to be. I thought I was going to be horribly uncomfortable throughout but it was absolutely fantastic! Utterly hilarious and the story was brilliant.

I loved the insight into the past and how people treated black people with such disrespect apart from Dr Schultz (Chrisopher Waltz). The relationship between Django and Schultz grows quickly with Django being allowed to pick his characters costume (which was fantastic!)

I don't remember being in a cinema where the entire audience laughed multiple times in unison!

Of course, with the nature of the film there are some parts which are serious and disturbing because they would really have happened to people in the past and that wasn't okay. The film definitely draws awareness to how slavery really was for a lot of people.

My favourite scene was the final scene in the Big House in Candie Land when Django goes all awesome and Samuel L. Jackson's character says "motherfucker!" which made me laugh and the shooting to the lady who flies through the doorway.

Overall, I'd give Django Unchained: 10/10.

Utterly amazing film, I definitely recommend it!

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