Friday 29 March 2013

The Croods.

Film: The Croods.
Director: Chris Sanders & Kirk De Micco.

Holy crap. From the very first trailer I saw of this at Wreck-It Ralph I wanted to see it! It was every bit as awesome as I had hoped and more!

It's not just a kids film by any means it has some humour in it which adults are more likely to get but aren't rude or in anyway in appropriate for young ears!

The family consists of Grug (the father), Ugga (mother), Gran (gran..funnily enough!), Thunk (the pretty dim brother), Sandy (the animalistic little sister) and finally Eep (the rebel!). Not forgetting of course Guy (the guide) and Belt (...his belt).

Guy and Eep's relationship makes me laugh she is a totally overprotective girlfriend, add in some caveman strength and you have an interesting lady! Grug, like most fathers, dislikes the relationship and takes great measure to ensure they are separated at all times.

My favourite scene was one of the final scenes in the cave with the giant sabre toothed cat when Grug has fire and waves it in his face and the cat just blows it out...seconds later they're both blowing it back into life after hearing a noise and the cat pins him to the wall purring!

Overall, I'd give The Croods: 10/10.

Totally fantastic, I loved it!

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