Friday 29 March 2013

The Host.

Film: The Host.
Director: Andrew Niccol.

I've been waiting for this film for over a year. I'm not even kidding. They released a short trailer just after The Hunger Games had come out in the cinema.

I reread the book before going to see the film so it was all fresh in my noodle!

I'll be honest, books into films are never as good as you dream they will be. Compared to the book you will always be disappointed and The Host was no different. There were big chunks missed out and big sections changed, but that's understandable! I still enjoyed the film even if I was slightly annoyed by the changes and the deleted bits but I still loved it.

I was very happy with the way they did Melanie's voice in Wanda's head it was better than I thought it was going to be!

My favourite scene was when Jamie and Wanda were sitting in the cave with the glow worms and he said about being quiet and then clapped and it all went dark.

I did enjoy the film but I almost wish I hadn't reread the book just beforehand!

Overall, I'd give The Host: 8/10.

Not what I'd expected and hoped it would be, but I still liked it.

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