Wednesday 1 May 2013

Iron Man 3.

Film: Iron Man 3.
Director: Shane Black.

Well, this is awesome. I recommend everyone goes and sees it and waits allllll the way through the credits for the little snippet scene at the end and the final four words which flash on the screen, totally worth it.

Goddamn I love Robert Downey Jr, he's funny, quick witted and I *love* his love for Pepper in this film!!

My absolute favourite scene was after the first explosion and he sends the suit to Pepper instead of protecting himself.

Second favourite scene was when Harley goes back into his little shed and Stark has decked it all out for him, totally a good guy thing to do for all the times he was a bit of a jerk.

Overall, I'd give Iron Man 3: 10/10

GO AND SEE IT! That is all.

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