Sunday 19 May 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness.

Film: Star Trek Into Darkness.
Director: J.J. Abrams.

This is so not my type of film, but my boyfriend wanted to see it so I agreed and it turned out to be pretty good! Benedict Cumberbatch was an awesome baddie and very believable with some fantastic ninja moves.

I've not seen the first one of the remakes or the originals either, but I enjoyed this film. The whole Sci-fi genre is usually something I avoid due to there being SO many terribly made films but this is not one of them!

My favourite scene was when Kirk and the crew were battling the Klingons on Kronos (I *think* that's the way to spell it...) and Khan pops up and beats them all thoroughly and kills a squadron of Klingons before surrendering to Kirk.

Overall, I'd give Star Trek Into Darkness: 8/10.

Pretty good though I don't know if I'd see it again.

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