Tuesday 30 October 2012

Fame: Remake

Film: Fame
Director: Kevin Tancharoen

The dancers in this film are beyond amazing, but the film itself...eh. There is no character you connect to, the film follows too many and you catch snippets of them and their lives and PA and not a lot more. There is little backstory to any of them and we spend so much time flitting from character to character we don't have time to make an emotional connection.

When Kevin gets the news he isn't going to be a professional dancer and he sort of half way tries to step in front of a train I had no reaction to it, sure I know I should feel sad, but there wasn't a love for Kevin and a sadness for his plight..I just thought "oh..".

I like how we saw different Arts, the dancing was amazing. Denise on piano was phenomenol and I enjoyed seeing Jenny come out of her shell little by little with the help of Marco.

Overall, I think I'd give Fame: 6/10

I might watch it again soon but probably not any time soon.

Monday 29 October 2012

Step Up 3

Film: Step Up 3
Director: Jon M. Chu.

Oh, how I wish I could dance! I love this film and this franchise, it is amazing. I adore seeing what the human body can do, I'm pretty sure some of the dancers actually don't have bones..
This film follows Moose, who was amazing in Step Up 2, it was very clever how Moose's engineering and dancing could come together with the NeoFlys and the fantastic clothes the Pirates wear in the World Jam Final.

I love the dance routines, they are amazing how seemlessly they fit together and how each member of the Pirates family back each other up in the battles. The Vault is brilliant, I love how we get to see how they lvie together and train hard together.

The film is awesome, I love it, if you couldn't tell. The only thing I can say about it negatively is that I wish we could have had a flashback or two of Julien and Luke dancing together before Julien was kicked out.

Overall, I would give Step Up 3: 9.5/10

I will most definitely watch it again! And I'll be watching Step Up 4: Revolution in the hopes it follows on from the success of the other films.

Sunday 28 October 2012


Film: Twilight
Director: Catherine Hardwicke.

Okay, so Twilight. I've seen it before and I've read the books but I figured I'd watch it and write a review! When I first saw it I hated the portrayl of Bella Swan, but watching it again reminds me that in the book..Bella is awkward, clumsy and makes you cringe.
In the book, the story line made sense..the film. Eh. It isn't my favourite film but it's a good time passer!
I like the relationship between Edward and Bella ignoring the weird watching Bella sleep thing, but otherwise I love the idea of doing anything to protect the one you love without exception and trying to keep them safe. The creepiness of watching Bella sleep is just too weird for me though.
I adore Cam Gigandet as James, he is the perfect mix of terrifyingly out of control and just generally scary!
The scene in the ballet studio with  James and Bella when he looks at each mirror is haunting and gave me goosebumps! Armed with the camera, I love how we see the double shot of Kristen against the mirrorred pillar is the best in the film by far.

Our of ten, I would probably give Twilight: 7.5/10
I'd see it again, I enjoy watching it despite it's flaws!

Sunday 21 October 2012

Welcome To The Riley's

Film: Welcome To The Riley's
Director: Jake Scott

Yet another Kristen Stewart film! I saw the trailer for this while watching Snow White And The Huntsman and I wanted to see it immediately. The awkward stutteryness you see from Kristen in The Twilight Saga is nowhere to been seen as Kristen takes on the role of Mallory, a young run away who works in a strip club. I found the beginning of the film slightly slow..but one it got started it was fantastic. I loved the interaction between Mallory and Doug and how he strives to help her.

My favourite scene was definitely when Doug stays the night for the first time at Mallory's house and you see the stripper persona start to slip a little as she relaxes around Doug. The gentleness he shows her makes her wary at first as she is so unused to it but I loved how calm Doug was but how he helped her to clean up the place and start looking after herself properly.

Overall, I would give this film: 8.5/10

I would without a doubt see it again and enjoy it as much as I did the first time. A great film with an easy to follow and heart warming plot.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman

Film: Snow White And The Huntsman
Director: Rupert Sanders.

As soon as I saw the trailer for this film I was desperate to see it and I was not disappointed! Although I'm not Kristen Stewart's biggest fan, kudos to her for this film. Between her, the ruggedly handsome Chris Hemsworth - whos accent was amazing - and Charlize Theron's amazingly terrifying portrayl of Ravenna the film was amazing. I wish I had gone to see it in the cinema instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD. The plot line although a little bit gappy was easy to follow and the scenery was beautiful. Having got to the end of the film it occurred to me that Kristen had about 10 lines throughout the entire film but it didn't detract. Negatively, there was little background given on the Huntsman or William, although we find out about the Huntsman later on in the film he seems a bit of a mystery. The same goes for William, we see him in the beginning with Snow White and then after Ravenna's take over...poof. Until he magically arrives to attempt to save the day. If you removed William from the film..it wouldn't be a big loss. Without a doubt Charlize and Kristen made this movie. And despite it's flaws I adored it and will definitely be keeping it and watching it again. The mix of drama and action fascinated me! Overall, I would give Snow White And The Huntsman: 8/10.