Sunday 28 October 2012


Film: Twilight
Director: Catherine Hardwicke.

Okay, so Twilight. I've seen it before and I've read the books but I figured I'd watch it and write a review! When I first saw it I hated the portrayl of Bella Swan, but watching it again reminds me that in the book..Bella is awkward, clumsy and makes you cringe.
In the book, the story line made sense..the film. Eh. It isn't my favourite film but it's a good time passer!
I like the relationship between Edward and Bella ignoring the weird watching Bella sleep thing, but otherwise I love the idea of doing anything to protect the one you love without exception and trying to keep them safe. The creepiness of watching Bella sleep is just too weird for me though.
I adore Cam Gigandet as James, he is the perfect mix of terrifyingly out of control and just generally scary!
The scene in the ballet studio with  James and Bella when he looks at each mirror is haunting and gave me goosebumps! Armed with the camera, I love how we see the double shot of Kristen against the mirrorred pillar is the best in the film by far.

Our of ten, I would probably give Twilight: 7.5/10
I'd see it again, I enjoy watching it despite it's flaws!

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