Tuesday 30 October 2012

Fame: Remake

Film: Fame
Director: Kevin Tancharoen

The dancers in this film are beyond amazing, but the film itself...eh. There is no character you connect to, the film follows too many and you catch snippets of them and their lives and PA and not a lot more. There is little backstory to any of them and we spend so much time flitting from character to character we don't have time to make an emotional connection.

When Kevin gets the news he isn't going to be a professional dancer and he sort of half way tries to step in front of a train I had no reaction to it, sure I know I should feel sad, but there wasn't a love for Kevin and a sadness for his plight..I just thought "oh..".

I like how we saw different Arts, the dancing was amazing. Denise on piano was phenomenol and I enjoyed seeing Jenny come out of her shell little by little with the help of Marco.

Overall, I think I'd give Fame: 6/10

I might watch it again soon but probably not any time soon.

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