Sunday 21 October 2012

Welcome To The Riley's

Film: Welcome To The Riley's
Director: Jake Scott

Yet another Kristen Stewart film! I saw the trailer for this while watching Snow White And The Huntsman and I wanted to see it immediately. The awkward stutteryness you see from Kristen in The Twilight Saga is nowhere to been seen as Kristen takes on the role of Mallory, a young run away who works in a strip club. I found the beginning of the film slightly slow..but one it got started it was fantastic. I loved the interaction between Mallory and Doug and how he strives to help her.

My favourite scene was definitely when Doug stays the night for the first time at Mallory's house and you see the stripper persona start to slip a little as she relaxes around Doug. The gentleness he shows her makes her wary at first as she is so unused to it but I loved how calm Doug was but how he helped her to clean up the place and start looking after herself properly.

Overall, I would give this film: 8.5/10

I would without a doubt see it again and enjoy it as much as I did the first time. A great film with an easy to follow and heart warming plot.

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