Sunday 17 February 2013

Ice Princess.

Film: Ice Princess.
Director: Tim Fywell.

I remember seeing the trailer for this yeaaaaars back...okay in '05..and thinking I wanted to see it. It's that typical story, nerd kicks adversity in the ass and becomes cool and a winner.

I really enjoyed the entire story and how Casey and Gen end up friends despite Gen being all bitchy in the beginning. I loved the way the other skaters rallied around Casey and encouraged her to continue skating because she had raw talent and even though she could potentially beat all of them with far less practice than they had had they still helped her out. It really made me smile! It was nice to have the other skaters being so welcoming and helping her out whenever they could even when the Coach was being deliberately difficult and sabotaging her chances.

My favourite scene was when we see Casey performing half heartedly until she sees her mum up in the stands and ends up deviating from the set performance and coming second and her mother totally accepting that this is her daughter and this is what she loves.

Awh, man. I love this movie.

Overall, I'd give Ice Princess 9.5/10.

I love it. I just wish we'd seen more of Casey and Teddy!

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