Friday 7 December 2012

Breaking Dawn: Part 2

Film: Breaking Dawn; Part 2.
Director: Bill Condon.

Awh, man. I loved this. I'm not ashamed to admit it and yes I would see it again.
The immediate change between the Bella in the earlier films and the Vamp Bella we see is utterly astounding. There is almost nothing they have in common. Stewart protrayed Vamp Bella wonderfully and it was believable. The horrible stuttering awkwardness you see earlier is gone and we see a confident, self assured Bella with the blood red eyes.

I'm not going to spoil the HUGE twist in the middle of the film because it caught me totally unaware and I loved it. It was fantastically well done and not something I remember seeing when I read the books, but it definitely added to the film. Without this scene it would have been dull and lacking; it definitely enhanced the overall viewing and made the film feel more alive.

I loved meeting Carlisle's friends from around the world they were all very different and I especially loved Kate and her electrical abilities! I love the scene where Kate is trying to teach Bella to extend her sheild to protect others and we see Bella's interaction with someone other than the Cullens. I also love Emmett and Edward's joking conversation, it made me smirk!

Overall, I'd give Breaking Dawn; Part 2: 8.5/10
I'll see it again and I'll enjoy it, but I prefer something with a little more bite.

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