Monday 10 December 2012

True Blood; Season 2

Again..not a film. But this series is awesome.

Maryanne is in town and causing chaos and it turns out she isn't even remotely human; she is a Maenad. Basically a crazy immortal being who is waiting for her God, Pan, to come back to Earth, but she has to find the right "vessel". She has weird claw hands which have a toxin in them which causes paralysis and death, oh and her blood is silver...

She takes over Bon Temp and tries to kill Sam and use him as her vessel and several others die along the way.

Meanwhile in Vamp Land...Eric needs Sookie's help, again. He tricks her into drinking his blood after the Fellowship of the Sun explode a nest and so he and Sookie are forever bonded. She sucked on his was weird.

Jason joins the Fellowship (he doesn't use his brain a lot) and it all goes tits up for him, he's a good shot with a paintball gun though, I'll give him that!

It all ends with a dead Maenad, a dead someone else once again in Merlotte's parking lot and a night in a French restaurant for Bill and Sookie.

Oh, I love this series.

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