Monday 31 December 2012

Green Street

Film: Green Street.
Director: Lexi Alexander.

Oh Frodo, what have you gotten yourself into?

I never wanted to watch this film, I'm not a fan of violence but I loved Fight Club. And I love this.

I love how even though it seems to be alla bout violence and fighting and brain dead morons, it isn't. It's about respect and standing up for your "family" and they are all clever hardworking men. I do enjoy it but the violence does get a little much sometimes.

Favourite scene is...Matt's first fight. When they get to teh end and they're congratulating him and then take the piss about his ridiculous windmill first punch which was hilarious!

Orrrr...when Matt goes back to the states and stands up with himself against has the oppurtunity to beat up Jeremy but doesn't.

Overall, I'd give Green Street: 8/10
I enjoy it, I'll watch it again but I haven't to be in the right mood.

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