Monday 31 December 2012

Seven Pounds.

Films: Seven Pounds.
Director: Gabrielle Muccino.

I've had this DVD hanging around for a long time and hadn't quite got round to watching it. I love it. I'll be honest, I shed a tear or two!

Will Smith is obviously awesome and I love love love Rosario Dawson. I loved her in Rent and I loved her in this.

The story line is a little confusing until you get to the end and eeeeeeverything suddenly makes sense. My favourite scene is when Emily falls asleep on the phone to Ben and wakes up to find him fast asleep next to her in the hopsital and he's all groggy and dopey and its the beginning of the whole love and it's wonderful.

The whole "eye for an eye" type thing I loved. The seven people he saved have whole new lives and actual proper lives now too. It's awesome!

Overall, I'd give Seven Pounds: 9.5/10
I'll watch it again, but when I'm not hormonal so I don't bawl like a baby ;)

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