Saturday 29 December 2012

Silver Linings Playbook.

Films: Silver Linings Playbook
Director: David O. Russell

I'll be honest, not what I expected. I thought it was going to be quite funny...nope. But, I did like it, quite a bit!
I was very different to most films and I would love to read the book it was based on. Jennifer Lawrence played Tiffany wonderfully and made her likeable (sort of) and you could understand her and sympathise with her cause her life had kinda sucked.
Bradley Cooper played Pat and was awesome. I love how the film was about Mental Health; I can't think of another film that has anything about MH in it.

My favourite scene was when they do the big dance off at the end and the scores they get they are delighted with because it lets them win the second half of a bet with a friend of the family and the other dances are getting an average of 8/9 out of ten and they got 5 which was what they needed.

Overall, I think I'd give Silver Linings Playbook: 7/10.
I don't know if I would see it again, I think you need to be in the right mood to watch it. I would recommend seeing it but you do have to pay attention.

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