Sunday 27 January 2013

Spider Man 3.

Film: Spider Man 3.
Director: Sam Raimi.

I love Venom. And I love the "Evil look" Maguire gets when he's got the Venom suit on under his normal clothes.

I'm not Tobey Maguire's biggest fan but this is my favourite Spidey movie he is in. I absolutely love The Sand Man and the fact that Harry and Spidey sort themselves out in the end and make a good fight of it. It's definitely like Father like Son.

My favourite scene is definitely the final fight scene with Spidey and Harry aka The New Goblin against The Sand Man and Venom who is in control of Eddie Brock.

I've seen Spidey before and I love the whole franchise, more of a fan of Andrew Garfield as Spidey though!

Overall, I'd give Spider Man 3: 8/10.

A good one, worth watching!

Deep In My Heart.

Film: Deep In My Heart.
Director: Anita W. Addison.

This is a film most people probably haven't heard of, which is because it's a TV film. One of those films that just happens to be on and you end up watching it and think hang on a minute that was actually good!

The story follows Barbara Ann a young black girl who is given up by her white mother after she is attacked and raped by a black man. Barbara lives with Corrine, her foster mother, for 7 years before being adopted suddenly by a white couple who live across the country. We follow Barbara as she grows up with Annalise, her adopted mother, and she grows pregnant and moves in with her boyfriend.

The end scene is by far my favourite and I'm not going to spoilt it if you've never seen it but it is a true happy ending and it made me smile :)

Overall, I'd give Deep In My Heart: 8/10.

A very well put together film whih I enjoyed.

Saturday 26 January 2013

The Lorax.

Film: The Lorax.
Director: Chris Renaud & Kyle Balda.

I wanted to see this in the cinema and due to it being a kids film they don't show them past 5pm (annoying!) but having rented it, I'm not heartbroken I didn't spend the money in the cinema.

I usually love films like this but for me, it just fell a little flat. I'm not really sure why, there just didn't seem to be much life in it.

We see The Once-ler doing his thing and destroying the place and Ted saves the day and all is wonderful again and he gets the girl and The Lorax comes back. And there is singing. But it just isn't the film I expected and hope it would be.

I enjoyed the beginning with The Once-ler and The Lorax and Pipsqueak but after that I got bored.

It's got the typical bright colours and bizarre looking scenery like you see in Horton Hears A Who and other similar films and the contrasting Thneedville which has no natural life in it all.

Overall, I'd give The Lorax: 4/10.

I won't see it again, just too.."blah" for me.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Iron Man and Iron Man 2

Films: Iron Man and Iron Man 2.
Director: Jon Favreau.

Robert Downey Jr. is amazing, lets be honest! I love him as Tony Stark it all seems to come so naturally and I love Stark's little quirks; like not liking to be handed things.

Iron Man and the construction of the minature arc reactor which ultimately saves Tony's life is a facinating journey and we can see the genius that hides behind the slightly crazy!
The creation of the Iron Man suit is awesome and I love how he messes around with it before using it for good and saving people who needed his help the most.

Favourite scene was when he used the boosters and did a backflip into the wall before hitting the deck and being fire extinguished when he wasn't on fire.

Iron Man 2 is equally cool. The adaption of the suit is awesome and I love how his dad helps him from the grave and basically saves Tony's life.

Favourite scene would be when Black Widow is in the hallway being a super ninja and gets to the end and has taken out many men and the other Agent is like "I got him!" and is super proud of his one man he beat up.

Overall, I'd give Iron Man: 9/10.
I love it!
Overall, I'd give Iron Man 2: 9/10.
I love it too!

I love Robert Downey Jr. and I love the Iron Man series, I can't wait for Iron Man 3 to come out!

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Film: Push.
Director: Paul McGuigan.

I remember when I saw the trailer for this film and I was really excited to see it but never got round to getting to the cinema. I bought  it on DVD and used it as part of my A Level Film Studies Coursework.

I really enjoyed the film, I love the idea of instead of the "usual" names for people with powers they've mixed it up totally with Pushers and Movers and Shadows.

My favourite scene was probably when Kira pushes the Sniffer in the bathroom and convinces him that his partner killed his brother (who doesn't even exist) and the Sniff kills the other one!

I really do enjoy this film..the whole Watcher idea is clever and I love the way it's all put together. I especially love the part with the letters.

Overall, I'd give Push: 8/10.

I'll watch it again and I will enjoy it :)

Monday 14 January 2013

Panic Room.

Film: Panic Room.
Director: David Fincher.

Lets be honest, I love this film!
I've seen it countless times and it still has me on the edge of my seat.

I love Jodie Foster's character in this and I love how she funnels Raoul and Burnham through the series of walkways to exactly where she wanted them.

My favourite scene was probably after Raoul beats up Mr Altman and switches places with him and Foster legs it to get the shot Stewart's character needs and ends up sliding it through the door and Burnham does the right thing and helps Sarah get the injection. And Raoul, gets what he deserves, to be truthful!

I love the relationship between Foster and Stewart, very believable mother daughter relationship!

Overall, I'd give Panic Room: 8/10.

Definitely watch it time and time again.

Friday 11 January 2013

Life Of Pi.

Film: Life Of Pi.
Director: Ang Lee.

Such a good film! It was better than I thought it was going to be!

An amazing story that follows Pi and Richard Parks, the tiger, after a shipwreck leaves them in a lifeboat. The way it shows how Pi and RP end up getting along (sort of) to survive and survive a long time out at sea and end up in a few weird places!

Favourite scene was when Pi and RP are nearing death and find the island full of meerkats which feeds RP very well and Pi stocks up the boat with all sorts, including meerkats!, and gets them back out on the ocean after finding out something rather horrible about the island!

I loved the way the story was told with adult Pi telling the story from birth through to the end.

Overall, I'd give Life Of Pi: 9/10.

Amazing film, definitely recommend it!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Total Recall.

Film: Total Recall.
Director: Len Wiseman.

Oh this film is awesome. I've never seen the original verstion but I love this. I so love Kate Beckinsale she plays fruit loop, batshit crazy very well! I love how the story line twist and turns and leaves you going "hang on...what?!" but it all makes sense in the end its awesome.

My favourite character is either Kate Beckinsale's character, Lori, or Jessica Biel's character, Melina. They're both strong, slightly crazy, hand to hand combat fighting ninja ladies.

Favourite scene would be after when Doug had killed the armed guys in the Rekall and goes home and he and Lori end up fighting and she slides along on her knees and clocks him in the head and pushes him onto the bed. Most awesome fight move I think I've ever seen.

Overall, I think I would give Total Recall: 8/10.

I saw it in the cinema and I'll see it again, totally epic full of sci-fi awesome stuff and illuminating tattoos!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Fish Tank.

Film: Fish Tank.
Director: Andrea Arnold.

I've had this hanging around for a while and thought I would finally watch it...yeaaah.

I was recommended it because I quite liked Precious but I wish I hadn't bought it.

It was a long 2 hours to sit through.

I guess my favourite scene was at the beginning where Mia headbutts the random girl getting in her face and breaks her nose and later we see her with a black eye.

Overall, I don't really have much to say about the film and I would give Fish Tank: 3/10.

Unlikely I'll watch it again.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Avengers Assemble.

Film: Avengers Assemble.
Director: Joss Whedon.


I saw this in the cinema and absolutely loved it. It's everything a superhero movie should be. You've got backstory on most of the characters; Hulk, Iron Man, Thor/Loki and Captain America and you can pick up enough about Black Widow and Hawkeye for it all to make perfect sense.

Favourite scene is where Thor steals Loki from the plane and the whole battle between Iron Man and Thor and the quote "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?!" Best line of the movie bar "Puny God." from Hulk.

My favourite hero is Iron Man, he's freakin' hilarious! I loved the Iron Man films and I just love Robert Downey Jr, he's amazing and Iron Man fits him to a T.

Overall, I give Avengers Assemble: 10/10.

Totally awesome. I will watch it time and time again! I think they're doing a Black Widow/ Hawkeye spin off backstory type thing, which will be epic!