Tuesday 8 January 2013

Total Recall.

Film: Total Recall.
Director: Len Wiseman.

Oh this film is awesome. I've never seen the original verstion but I love this. I so love Kate Beckinsale she plays fruit loop, batshit crazy very well! I love how the story line twist and turns and leaves you going "hang on...what?!" but it all makes sense in the end its awesome.

My favourite character is either Kate Beckinsale's character, Lori, or Jessica Biel's character, Melina. They're both strong, slightly crazy, hand to hand combat fighting ninja ladies.

Favourite scene would be after when Doug had killed the armed guys in the Rekall and goes home and he and Lori end up fighting and she slides along on her knees and clocks him in the head and pushes him onto the bed. Most awesome fight move I think I've ever seen.

Overall, I think I would give Total Recall: 8/10.

I saw it in the cinema and I'll see it again, totally epic full of sci-fi awesome stuff and illuminating tattoos!

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