Tuesday 15 January 2013


Film: Push.
Director: Paul McGuigan.

I remember when I saw the trailer for this film and I was really excited to see it but never got round to getting to the cinema. I bought  it on DVD and used it as part of my A Level Film Studies Coursework.

I really enjoyed the film, I love the idea of instead of the "usual" names for people with powers they've mixed it up totally with Pushers and Movers and Shadows.

My favourite scene was probably when Kira pushes the Sniffer in the bathroom and convinces him that his partner killed his brother (who doesn't even exist) and the Sniff kills the other one!

I really do enjoy this film..the whole Watcher idea is clever and I love the way it's all put together. I especially love the part with the letters.

Overall, I'd give Push: 8/10.

I'll watch it again and I will enjoy it :)

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