Friday 11 January 2013

Life Of Pi.

Film: Life Of Pi.
Director: Ang Lee.

Such a good film! It was better than I thought it was going to be!

An amazing story that follows Pi and Richard Parks, the tiger, after a shipwreck leaves them in a lifeboat. The way it shows how Pi and RP end up getting along (sort of) to survive and survive a long time out at sea and end up in a few weird places!

Favourite scene was when Pi and RP are nearing death and find the island full of meerkats which feeds RP very well and Pi stocks up the boat with all sorts, including meerkats!, and gets them back out on the ocean after finding out something rather horrible about the island!

I loved the way the story was told with adult Pi telling the story from birth through to the end.

Overall, I'd give Life Of Pi: 9/10.

Amazing film, definitely recommend it!

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