Monday 31 December 2012

Green Street

Film: Green Street.
Director: Lexi Alexander.

Oh Frodo, what have you gotten yourself into?

I never wanted to watch this film, I'm not a fan of violence but I loved Fight Club. And I love this.

I love how even though it seems to be alla bout violence and fighting and brain dead morons, it isn't. It's about respect and standing up for your "family" and they are all clever hardworking men. I do enjoy it but the violence does get a little much sometimes.

Favourite scene is...Matt's first fight. When they get to teh end and they're congratulating him and then take the piss about his ridiculous windmill first punch which was hilarious!

Orrrr...when Matt goes back to the states and stands up with himself against has the oppurtunity to beat up Jeremy but doesn't.

Overall, I'd give Green Street: 8/10
I enjoy it, I'll watch it again but I haven't to be in the right mood.

The Dark Knight Rises

Film: The Dark Knight Rises.
Director: Christopher Nolan.

Another film I saw in the cinema and then ended up getting it for Christmas.

I'll be honest, not a big fan of Christian Bale, but I do love the whole Batman franchise and I adore Anne Hathaway. When I saw Hathaway was playing Catwoman, I was skeptical and I'll admit I was wrong. She was an amazing Catwoman I really hope there is a spin off film with her she's great!

Favourite scene was when Selina takes Bruce's food up and ends up stealing his pearls and beats up a "cripple" then poofs out the window!

The whole Bane and Miranda storyline was awesome, I loved the twist, I won't ruin it if you haven't seen it...but if you haven't, why the hell not?!

I can't wait for a Robin film, it'll definitely be good and Catwoman should be in it too ;)

I really do this movie, it's full of action, it's full of fun and crazy Bale grunting and the weird deep Batman voice lol

Overall, I'd give The Dark Knight Rises: 9/10
I will obviously see it again, Bale just..yeah, I don't much like him and it makes me not want to see it quite as much!

Seven Pounds.

Films: Seven Pounds.
Director: Gabrielle Muccino.

I've had this DVD hanging around for a long time and hadn't quite got round to watching it. I love it. I'll be honest, I shed a tear or two!

Will Smith is obviously awesome and I love love love Rosario Dawson. I loved her in Rent and I loved her in this.

The story line is a little confusing until you get to the end and eeeeeeverything suddenly makes sense. My favourite scene is when Emily falls asleep on the phone to Ben and wakes up to find him fast asleep next to her in the hopsital and he's all groggy and dopey and its the beginning of the whole love and it's wonderful.

The whole "eye for an eye" type thing I loved. The seven people he saved have whole new lives and actual proper lives now too. It's awesome!

Overall, I'd give Seven Pounds: 9.5/10
I'll watch it again, but when I'm not hormonal so I don't bawl like a baby ;)

Saturday 29 December 2012


Film: Haywire
Director: Steven Soderbergh.

This is a film I wanted to see when it came out and totally forgot about and then by chance found it cheap in Blockbuster. It's another "not what I expected" film.

I'm not entirely sure whether I liked it or not, it seems to be 99% ninja awesome fighting scenes with some parkour thrown in for good measure and 1% story.
I love all the action but I wish there was less of it and more actual story and background etc.

I loved the action scenes though, my favourite was the one in the beginning with Mallory and Aaron in the coffee shop when Mallory looks like she is losing then totally kicks ass and takes off with some dude and his car.

Overall, I think I'd give Haywire: 6/10.
I'd watch it again but it's kinda brain numbing, you really don't need to pay attention to understand what it going on.

Young Adult.

Film: Young Adult.
Director: Jason Reitman.

I love Charlize Theron, but I hated this film.
From the trailers I thought it was going to be quite funny and a good one to watch. Wrong. I really had to force myself to watch it the whole way through. Overall very disappointed.

The story itself was okay, I like the whole relationship between Mavis and Matt and how you see them fall together despite the problems they had during High School.

It made me feel awkward and uncomfortable and I probably will sell the DVD back to Blockbuster because I won't watch it again.

I'd give it a 4/10.
I won't watch it again. Which is sad, because I really do love Charlize Theron she's an awesome actress but I just didn't feel this at all.

The Amazing Spiderman.

Film: The Amazing Spiderman.
Director: Marc Webb.


I saw it in the cinema with my boyfriend and I found it utterly awesome and I got in on DVD for Christmas so I watched it again! I love it. Andrew Garfield is so much..more than Tobey; he makes Spiderman more real. I love the relationship between him and Emma Stone's character Gwen; I especially love how it ends with the promise to Gwen's father.

Favourite scene is without a doubt when Garfield is with the car theif and the whole little dance thing he does when he's shooting web at him and then how he gets all up in the police guys face.

I like the fact that he doesn't automatically shoot web out of his wrists but makes a fancy little doohickey to make it possible, it's super awesome!

Overall, I'd give The Amazing Spiderman: 10/10.
I love it. It's awesome. GO WATCH IT!

Silver Linings Playbook.

Films: Silver Linings Playbook
Director: David O. Russell

I'll be honest, not what I expected. I thought it was going to be quite funny...nope. But, I did like it, quite a bit!
I was very different to most films and I would love to read the book it was based on. Jennifer Lawrence played Tiffany wonderfully and made her likeable (sort of) and you could understand her and sympathise with her cause her life had kinda sucked.
Bradley Cooper played Pat and was awesome. I love how the film was about Mental Health; I can't think of another film that has anything about MH in it.

My favourite scene was when they do the big dance off at the end and the scores they get they are delighted with because it lets them win the second half of a bet with a friend of the family and the other dances are getting an average of 8/9 out of ten and they got 5 which was what they needed.

Overall, I think I'd give Silver Linings Playbook: 7/10.
I don't know if I would see it again, I think you need to be in the right mood to watch it. I would recommend seeing it but you do have to pay attention.

True Blood; Seasons 3,4,5.

True Blood Seasons 3,4,5.

So having read the entire Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris, I was fairly certain I knew what was coming..wrong.

Season 3 is all about Werewolves and we get a fantastic insight into Eric's backstory which makes everything about him seem more..awesome. Season 2 ended with Bill being kidnapped after asking Sookie to marry him, which you know, is exactly how you want a marriage proposal to go! We meet Franklin who is utterly batshit crazy and kidnaps Tara (who I was totally convinced was called Terra from their accents). I love Alcide he is amazing, and looks wonderful for the most part as he spends most of his time topless.

Season 4 starts with Sookie in Fairy Land and falls straight back into the craziness that is Bon Temp. Marnie the witch and her coven start experimenting with necromancy and Marnie channels a spirit from the 16th, Antonia; who is also batshit crazy! She and Marnia curse Eric and he loses his memories and becomes very...cute instead of the crazy slightly scary guy he is! She also curses Pam and makes her skin rot away. After holding her coven hostage and trying to call the vampires out into the sun she is finally killed. But, being a Medium she lurks in Bon Temp still takes over Lafayette and kills Jesus, his boyfriend for his magic. She is then removed from Lafyette's body and moves on. Russell escapes his prison and Rev. Steve Newlin is a vampire!

...and then we have Season 5.
Talk about crazy. "The Authority" goes religion mad! They have the blood of Lillith who they worship as their God and they decide that mainstreaming should be no more. Lillith meant for them to eat humans and so they will! Sam and his girlfriend, Luna, end up caught in all of the madness when a bunch of crazy folks from a hate group shoot them both and Luna's daughter, a werewolf, shifts and runs to her grandmother's house. Russell takes over the Shreveport pack and starts dishing out the V turning them into maniacs. Alcide takes over control of the pack after a big fight and an earlier defeat.
Eventually it ends in weirdness...Luna skin walks as Steve Newlin to try and free Emma from The Authority underground stronghold. Jason can see the ghosts of his mum and dad who seem VERY hate field. Bud the old sheriff is killed for being part of the hate group. Bill kills damn near everyone in the Authority bar Eric, Nora (his "sister") and Steve (cause he's god knows where) and drinks the vial of Lillith's blood..bleeds out and plops into nonexistance on the floor as a puddle of blood. And that isn't even the end. He comes out of the puddle of blood all..well bloody and crazy as hell!

I can't wait for Series 6! I have them all on DVD and I will so be watching them again!

Monday 10 December 2012

True Blood; Season 2

Again..not a film. But this series is awesome.

Maryanne is in town and causing chaos and it turns out she isn't even remotely human; she is a Maenad. Basically a crazy immortal being who is waiting for her God, Pan, to come back to Earth, but she has to find the right "vessel". She has weird claw hands which have a toxin in them which causes paralysis and death, oh and her blood is silver...

She takes over Bon Temp and tries to kill Sam and use him as her vessel and several others die along the way.

Meanwhile in Vamp Land...Eric needs Sookie's help, again. He tricks her into drinking his blood after the Fellowship of the Sun explode a nest and so he and Sookie are forever bonded. She sucked on his was weird.

Jason joins the Fellowship (he doesn't use his brain a lot) and it all goes tits up for him, he's a good shot with a paintball gun though, I'll give him that!

It all ends with a dead Maenad, a dead someone else once again in Merlotte's parking lot and a night in a French restaurant for Bill and Sookie.

Oh, I love this series.

Friday 7 December 2012

Breaking Dawn: Part 2

Film: Breaking Dawn; Part 2.
Director: Bill Condon.

Awh, man. I loved this. I'm not ashamed to admit it and yes I would see it again.
The immediate change between the Bella in the earlier films and the Vamp Bella we see is utterly astounding. There is almost nothing they have in common. Stewart protrayed Vamp Bella wonderfully and it was believable. The horrible stuttering awkwardness you see earlier is gone and we see a confident, self assured Bella with the blood red eyes.

I'm not going to spoil the HUGE twist in the middle of the film because it caught me totally unaware and I loved it. It was fantastically well done and not something I remember seeing when I read the books, but it definitely added to the film. Without this scene it would have been dull and lacking; it definitely enhanced the overall viewing and made the film feel more alive.

I loved meeting Carlisle's friends from around the world they were all very different and I especially loved Kate and her electrical abilities! I love the scene where Kate is trying to teach Bella to extend her sheild to protect others and we see Bella's interaction with someone other than the Cullens. I also love Emmett and Edward's joking conversation, it made me smirk!

Overall, I'd give Breaking Dawn; Part 2: 8.5/10
I'll see it again and I'll enjoy it, but I prefer something with a little more bite.

True Blood: Season 1

Okay, so it's not a film. But I love True Blood!

This is the first season of True Blood and it hooked me immediately; I find the cast quirky and amusing. I especially love the difference between Sookie and her brother Jason; Sookie is sensible and religious (though she doesn't seem to attend church) whereas Jason is a bit simple, a ladies man and tends to dive in headfirst before checking to see if it's safe.
I have to say I much, much prefer the TV series Bill Compton to the book. In the books he's kind of an asshole, whereas in the series he's gentle, softer and all in all a nicer character and far asier to connect to.

I love Eric and Pam and their relationship they bounce off each other and complement one another perfectly. Eric has the strong and silent type of personality which is endearing. And Pam, well she's just awesome! Snide, sarcastic and ridiculously funny she is one of my favourite characters.

Overall the entire series is so easy to follow and the whole Vampire franchise is definitely something I love. I love the supernatural type of films and TV series, they're something I seem to be drawn to as you'll see in the future when I do some reviews of the Underworld and Resident Evil series (both of which I utterly adore, Beckinsale and Jovovich are amazing!)

My favourite character is Lafayette. He is utterly hilarious and so comfortable in his own skin, I love him. His clothing choices are...different, I'll give him that, but they totally suit the character down to the ground!

I would definitely recommend True Blood to anyone who enjoys Vampires and the supernatural. A warning however, lots and lots of sex, probably not something to watch with kids or your mother around!

Sunday 18 November 2012


Film: Snatch
Director: Guy Ritchie.

Oh, I love this film so much. It's like Fight Club meets crazy Irish pikeys and deranged jewel thieves. Awesome.

Best scene is definitely when Gorgeous George ends up in a bare knuckle fight with Mickey and he chucks him around a bit before Mickey smacks him once and totally knocks him out leaving Tommy to fend off the rest of the Irish gypsies.

I love the different stories and how all the characters meet and link together, it's very cleverly done and it works!

Mickey is without a doubt my favourite character; the very heavy accent where you spend most of the time going 'what?!'  And the love he has for his Ma and how he gets his own back on Brick Top nearly taking out Turkish and Tommy at the same time then totally disappearing!

Overall, I would give Snatch: 7/10.
I'll watch it again without a doubt but I have to be in the mood, it's a bit long but I do enjoy it!

Saturday 17 November 2012


Film: Gone
Director: Heitor Dhalia.

Amanda Seyfried is without a doubt one of my favourite actors; however her character of Jill in this film isn't the best. We got bits and pieces if a sort of vague backstory throughout the film but just never really got to know her or about her, except the whole abduction thing. I loved the flashback style scenes that flickered through the the film. I really think they showed us a lot of what happened and we know that Jill totally believes it happened and we believe it happened but the police don't.

I especially loved the part at the end where when they are questioning her about the guy she had gone to meet and the gun etc and she gives them the same answer they have her: 'there was no guy, it was all in my head' and they totally grasp the irony of it all.

Overall I would give Gone: 8/10.
It's a good film, worth watching I've already seen it a couple of times and I'll probably watch it again but it's nothing to write home about.

Monday 12 November 2012

Cast Away

Film: Cast Away
Director: Robert Zemeckis

So, I was informed by my boyfriend that my film knowledge was severely lacking and I had to watch Cast Away. So, I did!
It was brilliant! I loved it and I can't believe I never watched it before!

I absolutely adored the connection between Chuck and Wilson, especially when he kicks him out of the cave and nearly loses him. And his total relief when he finds him again by the rock.
When we see Chuck to begin with his is totally ruled by his possessions and his work but when he comes back from the Island the change in him is astounding. He focuses on Kelly and how much he owes her for helping keep him alive on the Island.
I love how he collected the FedEx boxes in the beginning and stored them in two separate piles and then how he gives in and opens all but one which he later returns and leaves a note saying how it saved his life.

Best scene was when he loses Wilson and has to choose between his life and his raft and Wilson. I cried when he was calling for him and he was behind him and I kept saying "Turn around! Turn around!". Without a doubt the best scene.

Overall, I'd give Cast Away: 10/10!
Fantastic film, I would definitely watch it again and thank you to Dave for educating me!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Fame: Remake

Film: Fame
Director: Kevin Tancharoen

The dancers in this film are beyond amazing, but the film There is no character you connect to, the film follows too many and you catch snippets of them and their lives and PA and not a lot more. There is little backstory to any of them and we spend so much time flitting from character to character we don't have time to make an emotional connection.

When Kevin gets the news he isn't going to be a professional dancer and he sort of half way tries to step in front of a train I had no reaction to it, sure I know I should feel sad, but there wasn't a love for Kevin and a sadness for his plight..I just thought "oh..".

I like how we saw different Arts, the dancing was amazing. Denise on piano was phenomenol and I enjoyed seeing Jenny come out of her shell little by little with the help of Marco.

Overall, I think I'd give Fame: 6/10

I might watch it again soon but probably not any time soon.

Monday 29 October 2012

Step Up 3

Film: Step Up 3
Director: Jon M. Chu.

Oh, how I wish I could dance! I love this film and this franchise, it is amazing. I adore seeing what the human body can do, I'm pretty sure some of the dancers actually don't have bones..
This film follows Moose, who was amazing in Step Up 2, it was very clever how Moose's engineering and dancing could come together with the NeoFlys and the fantastic clothes the Pirates wear in the World Jam Final.

I love the dance routines, they are amazing how seemlessly they fit together and how each member of the Pirates family back each other up in the battles. The Vault is brilliant, I love how we get to see how they lvie together and train hard together.

The film is awesome, I love it, if you couldn't tell. The only thing I can say about it negatively is that I wish we could have had a flashback or two of Julien and Luke dancing together before Julien was kicked out.

Overall, I would give Step Up 3: 9.5/10

I will most definitely watch it again! And I'll be watching Step Up 4: Revolution in the hopes it follows on from the success of the other films.

Sunday 28 October 2012


Film: Twilight
Director: Catherine Hardwicke.

Okay, so Twilight. I've seen it before and I've read the books but I figured I'd watch it and write a review! When I first saw it I hated the portrayl of Bella Swan, but watching it again reminds me that in the book..Bella is awkward, clumsy and makes you cringe.
In the book, the story line made sense..the film. Eh. It isn't my favourite film but it's a good time passer!
I like the relationship between Edward and Bella ignoring the weird watching Bella sleep thing, but otherwise I love the idea of doing anything to protect the one you love without exception and trying to keep them safe. The creepiness of watching Bella sleep is just too weird for me though.
I adore Cam Gigandet as James, he is the perfect mix of terrifyingly out of control and just generally scary!
The scene in the ballet studio with  James and Bella when he looks at each mirror is haunting and gave me goosebumps! Armed with the camera, I love how we see the double shot of Kristen against the mirrorred pillar is the best in the film by far.

Our of ten, I would probably give Twilight: 7.5/10
I'd see it again, I enjoy watching it despite it's flaws!

Sunday 21 October 2012

Welcome To The Riley's

Film: Welcome To The Riley's
Director: Jake Scott

Yet another Kristen Stewart film! I saw the trailer for this while watching Snow White And The Huntsman and I wanted to see it immediately. The awkward stutteryness you see from Kristen in The Twilight Saga is nowhere to been seen as Kristen takes on the role of Mallory, a young run away who works in a strip club. I found the beginning of the film slightly slow..but one it got started it was fantastic. I loved the interaction between Mallory and Doug and how he strives to help her.

My favourite scene was definitely when Doug stays the night for the first time at Mallory's house and you see the stripper persona start to slip a little as she relaxes around Doug. The gentleness he shows her makes her wary at first as she is so unused to it but I loved how calm Doug was but how he helped her to clean up the place and start looking after herself properly.

Overall, I would give this film: 8.5/10

I would without a doubt see it again and enjoy it as much as I did the first time. A great film with an easy to follow and heart warming plot.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman

Film: Snow White And The Huntsman
Director: Rupert Sanders.

As soon as I saw the trailer for this film I was desperate to see it and I was not disappointed! Although I'm not Kristen Stewart's biggest fan, kudos to her for this film. Between her, the ruggedly handsome Chris Hemsworth - whos accent was amazing - and Charlize Theron's amazingly terrifying portrayl of Ravenna the film was amazing. I wish I had gone to see it in the cinema instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD. The plot line although a little bit gappy was easy to follow and the scenery was beautiful. Having got to the end of the film it occurred to me that Kristen had about 10 lines throughout the entire film but it didn't detract. Negatively, there was little background given on the Huntsman or William, although we find out about the Huntsman later on in the film he seems a bit of a mystery. The same goes for William, we see him in the beginning with Snow White and then after Ravenna's take over...poof. Until he magically arrives to attempt to save the day. If you removed William from the wouldn't be a big loss. Without a doubt Charlize and Kristen made this movie. And despite it's flaws I adored it and will definitely be keeping it and watching it again. The mix of drama and action fascinated me! Overall, I would give Snow White And The Huntsman: 8/10.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Easy A.

Film: Easy A.
Director: Will Gluck.

I've wanted to see this film for a long time, seen a gif here and there which made me want to see it even more.
Easy A is hilariously funny, with crude jokes such as bad language and physical humour which makes everyone laugh! Emma Stone plays Olive Pendaghast a high school student becomes the source of rumours circulating around her school; as always, rumours gather speed and get distorted and turned into something obscure. The storyline to the film was fantastic and easy to follow, the links to the Scarlet Letter was clever and I loved the way Olive played on that.
I especially loved the scene where Rhi is trying to get Olive to spill the beans on her "date" with the imaginary George and Olive calls her out on calling her a bitch all the time and Rhi responds with "Tell me shit face!".
Overall, I'd definitely give Easy A: 9/10.
It was hilarious, easy to follow and definitely something I'd see again.